Question 1:
Which virtue do Socrates and Thrasymachus try to define in Book I of The Republic? Answer: justice.
Socrates's main argument with throughout this section of The Republic is on virtue and shortcomings of justice. This is not as hard as it seems. It just requires a little bit of reading and patients. Plug into the search field Socrates Thrasymachus virtue Republic for the answer. Read carefully through the search results.
Question 2:
What explosion in the upper solar atmosphere releases about as much energy as millions of 100-megaton hydrogen bombs exploding simultaneously? Answer: Solar flares.
Please see Day 12 for the explanation.
Question 3:
What does the name given to the Aldabra giant tortoise, considered one of the longest-living animals on record at the time of his death, mean in English? Answer: One and Only.
Please see Day 11 for the explanation.
Which virtue do Socrates and Thrasymachus try to define in Book I of The Republic? Answer: justice.
Socrates's main argument with throughout this section of The Republic is on virtue and shortcomings of justice. This is not as hard as it seems. It just requires a little bit of reading and patients. Plug into the search field Socrates Thrasymachus virtue Republic for the answer. Read carefully through the search results.
Question 2:
What explosion in the upper solar atmosphere releases about as much energy as millions of 100-megaton hydrogen bombs exploding simultaneously? Answer: Solar flares.
Please see Day 12 for the explanation.
Question 3:
What does the name given to the Aldabra giant tortoise, considered one of the longest-living animals on record at the time of his death, mean in English? Answer: One and Only.
Please see Day 11 for the explanation.