Wednesday, November 15, 2017

15 Nov 2017, Day 88

Question 1:
What cabinet position had been held by the head of the commission that investigated the STS-51L disaster? Answer: Secretary of State.

I looked for sts-51l investigation commission members On the first page you will see a PDF document titled Rogers Commission Report. Page three has Mr. Rogers name as commission chairman. Considering that William Rodgers served as Secretary of State and as Attonery General you are obliged to try them both.

Question 2:
The Indian river basin that includes approximately 25% of the country's area is bound by what mountain range to the south? Answer: Vindhya.

Please see Day 40 for the explanation.

Question 3:
What renowned children's book set around the love for the first African-American to play major league baseball, starts with the line "The St. George Hotel?"? Answer: Thank You, Jackie Robinson.

Please see Day 45 for the explanation.

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